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Predator of the wild

Dark shadows cast, on the home I know

The night had arrived, the sun setting in the lake

I stalk into the long grass and I pounce

Dragging my prey

For I am the Cheetah, ferocious of the wild

Swift as the shadows, stealthy as a thief

I am the predator of the wild, there is no where to hide

The jungle is my home, this is what I embrace

Behind the bars, no where to run

Where am I? Where is the forest I knew?

Grey concrete surrounds me, unfamiliar sights in front

Humans are cruel, where is the freedom I deserve

For I am the Cheetah, predator of the wild

Greenery of the woods, is what I pray forest

My joy is stolen from me

I tread in silent steps

Curse in silent anger

For I am the Cheetah, predator of the wild

Gazing at the starry night

When all the patrolling cars have gone by

I stare into the dark black sky

And hope for a better life

Its all for freedom I pray

For I am the Cheetah, predator of the wild

For I am the Cheetah, predator of the wild

-Photo Credit


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1 Comment

Sonika Jindal
Sonika Jindal
Jul 26, 2021

Food for thought! Very nicely written from the perspective of the wild. Well done!

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